Finding Out What is Today's Football News?

We all know that the world of sports news has changed significantly in the last few decades. Where we once only had local sports channels, we now have a wide variety of channels dedicated to covering all aspects of the game from all corners of the globe. The first globalization of the media landscape happened with the creation of the World Wide Web. Nowadays, anyone with an Internet connection can become a global citizen, a fan of a particular sport, and perhaps even sponsor someone for the same purpose. From a perspective of the individual sport, this seems like nothing short of a revolution. But did you ever stop and think about what is literally happening in your local sports bar? Today's football news has evolved into an online phenomenon. In fact, it has gone so far as to be considered a subset of the overall news business. Sports fans, followers, and enthusiasts are tuning into sites on a daily basis to be first aware of any and all developments concerning their favorite tea...